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Name: Rainbow Dash

Species: Pegasus

Gender: Mare

Age: 19

Appearance: Rainbow Dash is a athletic pegasus mare with a sky blue coat, a rainbow-colored mane and tail, and a cloud with a rainbow-colored lightning bolt cutie mark.

Eye Color: Cerise

Talent: Aerial acrobatics and weather manipulation

Personality: Fiery, passionate, and competitive

Likes: Speed, aerial stunts, being cool, being the fastest

Dislikes: Slowness, being uncool, losing

Hobbies: Practicing aerial stunts and tricks, racing, and playing pranks on her friends

Family: Her father Bow Hothoof and mother Windy Whistles

Friends: Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Spike

Enemies: Discord, Queen Chrysalis, Tirek, Trixie Lulamoon, and other villains

Dreams: To join the elite flying team known as the Wonderbolts

Favorite Book: "Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Statue"

Favorite Sport: Hoofball

Favorite Drink: Apple cider

Pet: Tortoise named Tank

Hidden Traits: Has a fear of failure and a tendency to be impatient and reckless. Afraid of intimacy.

Childhood: Grew up in Cloudsdale, where she learned to fly and control the weather. While a extremely talented natural flyer Rainbow Dash did not have the patience for book learning and so was often bullied for her perceived lack of intelligence. She inevitably dropped out and went to work at the Cloudsdale Weather Factory at 16, moving to Ponyville soon after.

Adult Life: Rainbow Dash lives in a cloud house near Ponyville and works as a weather pony, using her flying skills to clear clouds and direct wind currents. However, her real dream is to join the elite flying team known as the Wonderbolts. Rainbow Dash dedicates most of her free time to practicing aerial stunts and tricks she hopes will impress them enough to let her join their ranks.

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